
AANZCA Conference Proceedings 2016 Index of principal authors

Welcome to the proceedings of the 2016 conference of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association. Communicators world-wide are currently experiencing a global change that is as radical as the industrial revolution was. While we may not be able to properly see what it means clearly or have the distance as yet to give us a deep understanding of these shifts

ISSN: 1448-4331

Editor: Assoc Professor Phillip McIntyre, Dr Janet Fulton

Refereeing Statement:

All articles published in these proceedings have been double-blind peer reviewed by a minimum of two referees.

Copyright Statement:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Australian License. To view a copy of this license, visit Creative Commons Australia email them at or send a letter to the Creative Commons International team at: Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042

Citing Articles:

Citation style depends upon the referencing system used. Here is an example in ANZCA (MIA) style: Last Name/s, Initial/s., 2016, “Title of article”, in P. McIntyre and J.M. Fulton (Eds), Refereed proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Creating Space in the Fifth Estate

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