AANZCA NT pre-conference event
Pausing to share communication practice and research in the Northern Territory.
The Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Communication Association (AANZCA) and the Communicate Study Partnership at Menzies School of Health Research invites you to the inaugural NT AANZCA pre-conference event. This gathering precedes the annual AANZCA conference to be held at RMIT in Melbourne. Invited communication scholars and practitioners from the NT will explore the conference theme “pause” in relation to their communication practice and research in the Northern Territory. Please register for catering purposes or to receive the link to join online.
Date: 13th November 2024
Time: 9am – 12:30pm
Where: Charles Darwin University, Darwin or via zoom
Register via the link: http://tix.yt/aanzca-pre-conference-nt-event
AANZCA NT pre-conference event