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AANZCA*JERRA special joint-conference event party

Q: What should conference peers do when sharing a city?

A: Join forces for a night-to-remember

Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA) warmly invites AANZCA delegates to a special joint-conference party at Melbourne’s Science Gallery, 114 Swanston Street, 6pm-8pm. 

Our unique collaborative social event brings together AANZCA and JERAA delegates and guests for a night of delicious food, live music, and futuristic fun.

World-renowned guitarist Paul Carey, who performed in Mexico at the Zihuatenajo International Guitar Festival, will play his distinct blend of Brazilian styles and jazz with Adam May in band Duo Agogo.  

The special event coincides with the gallery’s international exhibition: SCI-FI: Mythologies Transformed. 

Party guests gain VIP access to the exhibition’s rare artworks, film excerpts, and artefacts. University of Melbourne moderators will help illuminate sci-fi exhibits for curious minds.

We hope you’ll join us. 

Circle Wednesday, 27 November: time to hit the PLAY button. Get your tickets today!

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