


Caretaker committee formed by lecturers at the Adelaide Teachers College to establish a ‘national association of Speech lecturers’, with plans to put out three journals in 1968 (A. Musgrove Horner, Geoffrey W. Pullman, Max Wearing).


Australian Speech Lecturers Journal Published in third term, Acting Editor, Max Wearing.


First degree course in Public Relations offered at Mitchell College in Bathurst (now Charles Sturt University).


Inaugural Conference of Lecturers in Speech and Drama held at the Raywood Inservice Conference Centre, 13-16 March, during the Adelaide Festival of Arts.


The Australian Association for Communication Arts and Sciences was founded in Adelaide, 16 March, 1970, at a meeting at the Adelaide Teachers College, by representatives from every State. According to the minutes of the first meeting, its purpose was ‘to unite those persons who are professionally engaged in Speech, Drama, and allied fields for the purposes of promoting their common interests and of advancing the understanding of the common basis (or bases) of the Communication Arts and Sciences’. Musgrove Horner elected as National President, Max Wearing as Secretary. Meeting attended by Bill Crocker, among others. The Association encountered difficulties in terms of the financial cost of a face-to-face meeting, the timing of non-teaching breaks, and a major dilemma: primarily that the financial burden of a meeting of the national executive meant that they could not increase membership fees, which had to be approved by a meeting of the executive.


In December, 1975, 12 journalism educators from all over Australia met at Mitchell College of Advanced Education, Bathurst, to form their own association. This was known at first as the Australian Association for Tertiary Education in Journalism (AATEJ) until 1980, when it changed its name to the Journalism Education Association (JEA). Source


Inauguration of Speech Communication Association (Australia) in Queensland. According to French, in Australian Scan 1(1) (1976), it was formed on the suggestion of Rod Miller to bring together different areas of speech communication (debating associations, public speaking clubs, dramatic societies, and art of speech classes).


47th Congress of Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) at University of Tasmania successfully trials new ‘section’: ‘Section 33: Communication’.


The Australian Communications Students Association (ACOSA) was formed in 1976 (Tharunka Weds 13 October 1976, p. 15). The inaugural conference was held September 3-5 at the Queensland Institute of Technology in Brisbane. Followed by a 1977 conference at the New South Wales Institute of Technology, with the theme ‘Mass Media-What Price Professionalism?’, in 1979 a conference in Melbourne, and 1980 a fifth conference at Mitchell College of Advanced Education, from October 10-12. ACOSA sought to promote higher standards for Australian media and urge employers to hire graduates rather than school leavers for journalism cadetships.


Conference on ‘Interpersonal and Mass Communication’. Published as Conference on Interpersonal and Mass Communication held at the New South Wales Institute of Technology, Sydney, 8th to 10th December, 1976. Kensington, NSW: Clarendon Press, 1977. The conference was described in the proceedings as ‘The first national gathering of tertiary teachers involved in the area of human communication’. According to an advertisement in Australian Scan 1(1) (1976) the conference had two aims: 1. To provide a forum for Australian academics to discuss and evaluate research findings, course planning approaches and teaching techniques in communication in this country. 2. To discuss the formation of a professional association for tertiary scholars and teachers of communication.


First of the Communication, Technology and Control conferences at University of New South Wales. Published as Australia into the 80’s: Proceedings of Two National Conferences Held at the University of N.S.W., November 1977 and November 1978, to Examine the Employment, Social and Political Implications of Communications and Technology, eds. Philip Bell and Kathe Boehringer. Haymarket, N.S.W.: Communications, Technology and Control Foundation, 1979.


Decision to form Australian Communication Association (ACA) made at a conference examining the nature of oral competence in children at the University of New England in Armidale, 12-18 July. Meeting Chairperson Rod Miller. Conference proceedings published as Developing Oral Communication Competence: Papers from an Invitation Conference Held to Discuss the Teaching of Oral Communication Skills to Children, ed. W. J. Crocker. Armidale: University of New England, 1980.


Australian Scan adopted as official journal of the ACA (first published Dec, 1976).


‘ACA Newsletter’ first published.


ANZAAS Jubilee conference in Adelaide, 12-16 May. The communication program was diverse, dealing with many facets of Communication and (Tele)Communications, including a symposium on ‘Science and the Media’, sessions on ‘Communication as a Discipline?’, ‘Telecommunications in the Society of the Future’, and a paper by Henry Mayer, ‘Communication Media in Australia: Problems and Issues’.


ACA Founding Conference, Raywood, Conference Centre, Adelaide, South Australia. 17-18 May. Constitution developed.


National Conference of Communication Teachers hosted by Nepean CAE School of Business, and held at the Parramatta Leagues Club, 3-4 July attended by 140 persons, mostly TAFE teachers in Secretarial Studies, Trade Certificate Courses, and Business Studies. Reported in ‘ACA Newsletter’ 1(4) 1980.


Australian Communication and Cultural Studies conference held at South Australian College of Advanced Education, Magill campus, organised by Jill Brewster, Gunther Kress, Stephen Muecke and Noel King (source: Southern Review 26(2) 1993: 157).


Australian Scan (joint issue 9&10 (Dec. 1980-Nov. 1981) publishes six surveys of Australian Communication Studies.


Second Major Conference of the ACA, 8-10 July, Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education. Proceedings published as as Communication in Australia: Selected Papers from the Second National Conference of the Australian Communication Association, ed. Ted J. Smith III. Warrnambool: Warrnambool Institute Press/Sydney: Australian Communication Association, c1983.


‘ACA Newsletter’ changes name to Australian Communication Review (December).


Australian Scan renamed Australian Journal of Communication (Jan/Feb 1982).


Australian Journal of Cultural Studies supported by ACA (first published May 1983).


Communication Advisory and Research Enterprise established within the then Canberra CAE. In 1987 it was formally incorporated as the non-profit Communication Research Institute of Australia and separated from the CCAE.


Death of Bill Bonney, July 1985, aged 53.


Australian Journal of Cultural Studies no longer supported by ACA. The motion was put at the 1986 AGM: ‘That ACA discontinue its association with AJCS and substitute MIA as the second ACA journal’. ACR 8(1):38.


Media Information Australia supported by ACA (first published in July 1976). Precursor cited by National Library of Australia as Australian Media Notes (first published December 1975).


Concerted efforts by Grant Noble, Robyn Penman and Bruce Molloy to establish Communication as an Australian Research Category. See Grant Noble, ‘President’s Report’, Australian Communication Review 10(1&2) (May 1989): 6-11. Also the letters by Bruce Molloy in ACR 9(4):31 & 10(4): 6-7.


Bruce Molloy and Bill Ticehurst, representing the ACA, join the Interim Steering Committee for the International Federation of Communication Associations at the International Communication Association conference in Dublin in July.


Cultural Studies Association of Australia formed.


Communication incorporated as formal Field of Research category in the Australian Research Standards Classification (ARSC) for the first time. The ARSC became a standard for use across different research bodies. Placed within the Social Sciences and Humanities Division, and a sub-area of the Social Science code 110000, ‘Media and Communication Studies’ operated under the code of 111400, with sub-areas Media Studies (100401), Journalism (100402), Librarianship and Information Studies (100403), and Media and Communication Not Elsewhere Classified (100499). See President’s report from Bruce Molloy in ACR 11(1): 6-7.


ACA becomes founding member of International Federation of Communication Associations (incorporated in Canada, December 1991).


Death of Henry Mayer. Inauguration of annual Henry Mayer Prize for ‘most provocative, yet readable’ paper published in the Australian Journal of Communication in the previous calendar year.


Following discussions at 1991 conference, Bill Ticehurst advises readers of the Australian Communication Review 13(1) (1992) that he had written to 17 Communication scholars in New Zealand seeking interest in possible reconstitution of ACA to include New Zealand scholars and professionals. Ticehurst proposes a restructure of the Australian Communication Association to become the Australia New Zealand Communication Association at the AGM that year.


ACA strongly represented at International Communication Association conference, 21-25 May, Florida, with two major theme sessions focusing on Australian communication studies. According to ACR 13(1) the sessions were to be chaired by Bill Ticehurst and Myles Breen, participants included Harry Irwin, Roslyn Petelin, Michael Kaye, Ian Williams and Bruce Molloy. This representation continued at the 1993 ICA conference in Washington, D.C., where a session on ‘Communication Studies in Australia: Changing Faces, Metaphors and Academic Constructs’ was presented by Robyn Penman, Bill Ticehurst, Bruce Molloy and Peter Putnis.


Ballot on reconstitution of ACA as ANZCA held and reported at Annual General Meeting, 85 Yes, 1 Blank, 4 No. Less than two-thirds of financial membership voted so the ballot was rejected.


Bill Ticehurst edits a special issue of The Electronic Journal of Communication on ‘Contemporary Issues and Perspectives in Australian Communication Studies‘.


Inaugural Henry Mayer lecture was presented by Bruce Gyngell at the Sydney Opera House.


Australian Communication Review ceases publication with June issue.


Joint conference with International Communication Association held at the University of Technology, Sydney, 11-15 July.


Australian Communication Association becomes Australian and New Zealand Communication Association.


Death of Grant Noble. Leads to the creation of the Grant Noble Award for best paper submitted by a postgraduate student (excluding full-time academic staff) to the Annual Conference.


‘ANZCA News’ commences publication in March. Alongside this pamphlet, the ‘ANZCA News’ begins as a feature in Media International Australia from issue 77 (August).


Media Information Australia renamed Media International Australia from August issue.


ANZCA web page, mark 1, set up after Perth conference presentation by Ray Archee and Matthew Allen. Web maestro Matthew Allen. Included information on ANZCA executive, members’ interests, next year’s conference, previous conference, and email list. Remained on-line until late 1998-early 1999. The web-site url was [link no longer active]. Internet Archive Link here


International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) holds conference in Sydney.


After protracted effort throughout the early 1990s, and some changes to the constitution, ANZCA incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory on 28 August.


‘ANZCA News’ pamphlet ceases publication (June). Feature in MIA continues.


Responsibility for Media International Australia transferred from the Australian Film, Television and Radio School to the Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy and merged with Culture and Policy to become Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy from February 1998 issue.


New position of Deputy Vice-President established in order to enable longer term planning by the ANZCA executive, particularly the conference organiser.


Helen Wilson proposes idea to change state-based or regional representative system in ANZCA, and move to a section or strand structure. See MIA-C&P 99 (May 2001): 4.


‘ANZCA Newsletter’ launched in Electronic (pdf) format (14 June) for 2002 conference. Second edition 5th July. Replaced after conference with on-going ‘ANZCA updates’ e-mails, monthly from September 2002.


ANZCA web page launched at in September. Web Maestro Joanne Jacobs.

2003 mailing list established in January 2003.


AGM. Proposition to change State-based or regional representative system in ANZCA was determined a closed action.


Inaugural Session of Postgraduate Network-Melbourne. ‘How to Get Published’. November 28th. Sydney session held on March 9th, 2004.


Cultural Research Network Established. ‘Cultural Research Network’s initial disciplinary base will be in cultural, media and communications studies. From this foundation it will build collaborative links with researchers from cultural history, cultural geography, cultural anthropology and creative industries to develop the capacity for innovative research into media and cultural technologies, cultural literacies, cultural histories, geographies and identities’.


ANZCA becomes Foundation Member (no. 83) of the Council for the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS) in Australia.


Henry Mayer Lecture re-established at the University of Queensland, April 21 2005.


Constitutional reforms to do with formalising postgraduate representation, region structure, and self nomination to Executive . See MIA-C&P 128 (August 2008): 4.


Inauguration of Christopher Newell Prize for the best paper dealing with Disability/Equity/Social Justice and Communication.


Panel session at the 2010 ICA Conference in Singapore on Communication Research in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand on June 23 with presentations by Stuart Cunningham (QUT), Sue Turnbull (La Trobe), and Alison Henderson, Mary Simpson and Kay Weaver (Waikato).


Death of Anne Dunn. Leads to establishment of Anne Dunn Scholar of the Year award in 2013. Remembering Anne Dunn (1950-2012)


The last issue of of the Australian Journal of Communication is volume 40, no. 3 December 2013. After 25 years, 75 issues, 707 papers, and 200 authors published the journal under the editorship of Roslyn Petelin is closed.


The ANZCA affiliated journal Communication Research and Practice (published by Sage) is launched at the ICA Regional Conference, Brisbane, under the editorship of Terry Flew.


The inaugural meeting of the Western Australian Communication, Culture and Media (WACCM) symposium held at Curtin University, 13 February. WACCM was set up by the four main WA universities to improve inter-varsity networking and the research environment. WACCM is funded by the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA) and the Australia and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA). Michele Willson hosted and coordinated the symposium, which has been jointly convened by Debbie Rodan (ECU), Rob Cover (UWA) and Terence Lee (Murdoch).


ANZCA supports a working party on Digital Methods, proposed by Jonathan Hutchison. ‘Digging the Data’ is convened at the University of Sydney on April 17, designed to explore digital research methods and projects.


Job Ready Graduate Fees package introduced in Australia, impacting directly on fees paid by students for units in Media and Communications


2020 Anniversary ANZCA/ICA Panel,’Future-proofing communication at the academy-societal interface: Learning from research that examines societal interfaces’, presented at the 70th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference (21-25 May 2020). Published in Communication Research and Practice, Vol. 6, No. 4, 281, edited by Sora Park. ‘These papers are offered here as a celebration of the scholarship and wonderful ongoing sense of community that is ANZCA’ (Terry Flew).


ANZCA Winter School on Digital Methods held 6-8 July 2022 at the University of Canberra, ACT.


Death of past President Warwick Blood. Vale Richard Warwick Blood (1947-2022)


ANZCA Members Newsletter commences in May, developed by new ANZCA Communications Officer, Dr Ashleigh Haw


Death of Colleen Mills, past-President, and Editor of Communication Research and Practice. Vale Colleen Mills


ANZCA constitution amended at Annual Conference to allow for 2 year Presidential terms and amended process for election of Vice-President. Vice President/President-Elect position decoupled from the conference organiser role.


Proposal to change the name and acronym of the association to Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Communication Association (AANZCA) endorsed.   

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