AANZCA Inc is registered in the Australian Capital Territory

ACT Incorporation number A02808

Registered office and postal address:

News and Media Research Centre
University of Canberra
11 Kirinari Street

1 Name
2 Definitions
3 Purpose
4 Eligibility and activity criteria
5 Types and entitlements
6 Fees
Executive Committee
7 Constitution and membership
8 Meetings of the Executive Committee
9 Election of Office Bearers
10 Secretary and Treasurer
Meetings of the Association
11 Annual Conference
12 Annual General Meeting
13 Special General Meetings
Activities of the Association
14 Publications
15 Chapters and Interest Groups
16 Affiliations
17 Management of funds
18 Custody of Books
19 Non–profit
20 Dissolution
21 Amendments to the Rules
22 Common Seal

1 Name

The name of the organization shall be the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Incorporated.

2 Definitions

In these rules, unless a contrary intention appears:
• “communication” is to be given a broad interpretation and includes matters and subjects incidental to communication;

  • “the Association” means the above named association;
    • “financial year” means the year ending on 31st March or other date chosen in accordance with Section 10.4 below;
    • “member” means a member however described of the association;
    • “governing body” means the committee which governs the association as referred to in paragraph 7.1;
    • “secretary” means the person holding office under these rules as secretary of the association or where no such person holds that office, the Public Officer of the association;
    • “public officer” means the person appointed in pursuance of section nine of the Act;
    • “the Act” means the Australian Capital Territory Associations Incorporation Act 1991.

3 Purpose

3.1 The purpose of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association is to provide a means by which people with interest in communication may share their knowledge and experience to the benefit of the Association and for the advancement of communication as a significant area of study in contemporary society.
3.2 The objectives of the Association shall be to:
• Foster a productive academic partnership between members in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand;
• Foster a scholarly network of researchers and educators in communication studies in Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand and other countries;
• Support high-quality research, research collaboration and the sharing of ideas and findings in the field, through conferences, journals and other means;
• Promote the interests of marginalised groups and neglected interests in communication research, policy and practice;
• Promote the study of and teaching in communication theories, practices and policies, and public understanding of the field
• Promote links between communication research and practice
• Provide a unified voice for the discipline within Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand;
• Undertake other activities that will promote the general purpose of the Association.


4 Eligibility and activity criteria

4.1 Membership is open to any person or agency interested in the purpose of the Association.
4.2 Members remain financial provided the person pays the annual fees as set out below in 6 or has been awarded a life membership as set out in 5.2.
4.3 Members undertake to be bound by this Constitution.
4.4 Members undertake to work towards the continued well-being and financial viability of the Association.

5 Types and entitlements

5.1 There will five types of membership: regular, postgraduate student, overseas, institutional, and life. Postgraduate student members have all the rights of members, except that they pay a reduced rate, determined by Executive.

5.2 Life membership shall be awarded by nomination by the Executive Committee and a vote at the Annual General Meeting.
5.3 Regular, postgraduate and life members residing in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand shall be eligible to vote and to hold office, shall receive a copy of each issue of the journals and any newsletter published in the calendar year for which their membership is active, and may exercise such other privileges as may be provided by the Association. Overseas members shall receive a copy of each issue of the journals and any newsletter published in the calendar year for which their membership is active.

6 Fees

6.1 The annual membership fee of the Association is that amount determined by resolution of the Executive Committee based on reasonable estimates of anticipated expenditures and membership projections based on principles of prudent financial management.
6.2 The annual membership is payable on the 1st of January in any calendar year.
6.3 Members who have not paid their annual subscription by the 28th February are deemed to be unfinancial and not eligible for any member entitlements.
6.4 Members who pay their annual subscription late, that is after 1st January, are entitled to a copy of each publication of the association produced thus far in the current calendar year, provided only that sufficient stocks of the publication are available from the publishers at the original agreed price.

Executive Committee
7 Constitution and membership
The Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of President, Immediate Past President, elected office bearers, journal editors and persons nominated by the elected office bearers, and a quorum of members gathered at the Annual General Meeting or at Special General Meetings.

7.1 Office bearers, elected at the AGM, are:
• Vice-President /President-Elect,
• Regional Representatives,
• Postgraduate representatives from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
7.2 The positions nominated by the elected office bearers are:
• Secretary,
• Treasurer,
• Public Officer,
• Web Officer

7.3 A representative from the Editorial Board (usually the editor) of each ANZCA affiliated journal will be invited to sit on the Executive Committee as an ex officio member.
7.4 Regional Representatives shall serve for one year and are eligible for re-election.
7.5 For the purpose of these rules, the regions of the Association shall correspond to the six Australian States and the ACT, with South Australia to include the Northern Territory, and Aotearoa New Zealand, as follows:

7.5.1 At least one and no more than two representatives will be elected for each Australian region, and at least one and no more than two postgraduate representatives for Australia, according to the rules in section 9 on the election of office bearers;
7.5.2 Aotearoa New Zealand will be represented as a national entity by a total of four representatives, and at least one but no more than two postgraduate representatives, according to the rules in section 9 on the election of office bearers. To ensure a broad geographic and institutional representation of Aotearoa New Zealand on the Executive there will be no more than two representatives from a single institution. The Annual General Meeting shall determine any alterations to Regions.
7.6 The President shall serve for two years and then succeed to the office of Immediate Past President for two years. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall be appointed every second year, serve for one year, and then succeed to the office of President upon confirmation by the Executive.

7.7 The Vice-President must have served on the Executive Committee prior to nominating.

7.8 If any vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may appoint another member of the Association who shall hold office until the next election period.
7.9 All members of the Executive Committee must be financial (or life) members of the Association.

8 Meetings of the Executive Committee

8.1 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every year.
8.2 Additional meetings to the Executive Committee may be convened by any member of the Executive Committee.
8.3 At least 7 days notice should be given of an Executive Committee meeting and the notice should specify the nature of the business to be discussed.
8.4 The meeting will be chaired by the President. If the President is absent then the Vice-President will chair the meeting. In the event of both being absent, they will consult together and nominate a stand-in Chair. In the event that neither is in the position to nominate a stand-in chair, the chair shall be chosen by consensus of the remaining Executive members.
8.5 A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the complete Executive Committee membership. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of all those present and voting. In the event of a tie, the chair shall have only a casting vote.
8.6 Meetings may be conducted by e-mail or by other Internet-based technology as set out in e-meeting procedure published on the Associationʼs website.

9 Election of Office Bearers

9.1 Nominations for elected positions shall be called prior to the AGM and will be closed 14 days before the meeting. The Executive may provide a slate of candidates for consideration of the AGM any time prior to the AGM, consisting of an appropriate spread between genders, between Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, and between current Executive and non-Executive members.
9.2 At the Annual General Meeting held during the Conference any two financial members of the Association may nominate any financial member for the position of Vice-President.
9.3 At the Annual General Meeting held during the Conference any two financial members of the Association may nominate any financial member in their region as their regional representative.
9.4 At the Annual General meeting any two postgraduate members may nominate a postgraduate as their postgraduate representative.
9.5 Where only one nomination is received for an elected position listed in 7.1, the person nominated is deemed elected. Should there be two nominations for a position, the following rules apply:
9.5.1 In the case of New Zealand representatives, if there are four or fewer nominations, the people nominated are deemed elected. If more than four nominations are received, a vote will be taken at the Annual General Meeting and the four candidates with the highest votes will be elected;

9.5.2 In the case of all other elected positions, the Annual General Meeting may decide that a position can be shared between two people. If there are more than two nominations, a vote will be taken at the AGM and the two candidates with the highest votes will be elected;
9.5.3 In all elections, should there be no clear majority, the elected Executive will decide who will hold the position in caucus at the conclusion of the meeting, taking into account the votes counted on the floor of the AGM. The association secretary shall minute the decision and inform the nominees of the outcome.
9.6 The Executive will call for Expressions of Interest in the nominated positions (Treasurer, Secretary, Communication Officer, Web Officer and International Officer) prior to the AGM.
9.7 The Executive may co-opt members to fill nominated positions.
9.8 The President, Vice-President and Regional Representatives shall take office on the first day of the month following the conference.
9.9 The nominated Executive Committee members also take office on the first day of month following the conference.

10 Secretary and Treasurer

10.1 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Executive Committee meetings, Annual General Meetings and all elections and appointments of Executive Committee members.
10.2 The Treasurer shall collect membership fees and make all payments authorised by the Association.
10.3 The Treasurer shall keep accounts and books of the financial affairs of the Association.
10.4 As advised by the Secretary and Treasurer, an alternative financial period reporting date may be chosen by the Executive in order to allow sufficient time for the preparation of the audited accounts for presentation to the Annual General Meeting.

Meetings of the Association
11 Annual Conference

11.1 A conference of members and invited participants shall be held at least every year.
11.2 Conferences shall be organised by a person appointed by the Executive Committee to do so. The conference organiser will regularly report to the Executive Committee and liaise directly with the Vice President/ President.

12 Annual General Meeting

12.1 The Annual General Meeting of members shall be held during the annual conference.
12.2 The programmes for a meeting shall be arranged by the President in accordance with the directions of the Executive Committee. Meetings shall be chaired by the President or in his or her absence by the Vice-President.
12.3 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:
• Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting
• Reports from the regional representatives on activities in their region
• Reports from the Journal, Communication, Web and International Officers.
• Presentation of the audited statement of accounts and a forward estimate of expected revenue, expenditure and surplus or budget for the forthcoming financial year
• Election of office bearers
• Acknowledgement of Expressions of Interest for nominated positions.
12.4 Only financial members of the Association shall be eligible to vote at meetings.
12.5 A quorum of the Association shall be twelve members.
12.6 Voting by way of proxies shall not be allowable.

13 Special General Meetings

13.1 A Special General Meeting shall be convened at the request of one-fifth of the financial members or a majority of the Executive Committee.
13.2 If required, space will be made available on the Associationʼs website for the members to call for a Special General meeting
13.3 Special General meetings may take place electronically, via e-mail and other electronic communication strategies. The Executive shall make available such electronic email list facilities as necessary to facilitate participation in a Special General Meeting.

Activities of the Association
14 Publications

14.1 The Executive Committee shall ensure that all members receive issues of the Associationʼs affiliated journals. It may also publish a Newsletter and other publications from time to time as are deemed desirable.

14.2 The Newsletter editor shall have the authority to select associate editors and assistants as deemed necessary. In all financial and general publication policy decisions he/she shall be responsible to the Executive Committee.
14.3 The Web editor shall have the authority to select associate editors and assistants as deemed necessary. In all financial and general publication policy decisions he/she shall be responsible to the Executive Committee.
14.4 Affiliated journals of the Association shall be Communication Research and Practice and Media International Australia.
14.5 In consultation with the editors of the Associationʼs affiliated journals, the Executive Committee shall nominate two members of the Association to the editorial boards and negotiate contracts with the publishers for the distribution of the journals to all members over the ensuing year.

15 Chapters and Interest Groups

15.1 The Association may facilitate and assist where possible, the formation of chapters of significant common interest, for instance as a discipline or established area of communication research and scholarship, and interest groups of emerging common interest, as for instance in regards to emerging areas of research and scholarship in communication. These chapters and interest groups may if they wish to, curate and organise common themes and panels for Annual conferences and other similar forums between Annual conferences.

16 Affiliations

16.1 The Association may affiliate with other organizations having a similar purpose to that of the Association.

17 Management of funds

17.1 The funds of the Association shall consist of membership subscriptions together with such grants, contributions and other forms of income as the Association may receive from time to time.
17.2 The funds of the Association shall be lodged in a current bank, building society or credit union account or invested with the approval of the Executive and reported at the Annual General Meeting
17.3 Any two of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Public Officer or Secretary or a Past President or Public Officer who is a current member of the Executive may operate the account.
17.4 Audited statements of account shall be presented by the Treasurer or Secretary to the Annual General Meeting.
17.5 An Auditor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

18 Custody of Books

18.1 Subject to the Act, the Regulations and these rules, the Secretary shall keep in his or her custody or under his or her control all records, books and other documents relating to the Association.
18.2 The records, books and other documents of the Association shall be open to inspection at a place in the Territory, free of charge, by a member of the Association at any reasonable hour.

19 Non–profit

19.1 The income and property of the Association however derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association and no proportion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by dividends, bonus or
otherwise to any member of the Association, except when the payment is made in good faith by way of remuneration for goods or services provided to the Association by the member of the Association or the Executive.

20 Dissolution

20.1 If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, such property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be paid or transferred to an approved Association which in the opinion of the Executive Committee comes closest to performing the type of activities carried out by the Association.

21 Amendments to the Rules

21.1 Amendments may be initiated by the Executive Committee or upon the petition of ten members to the Secretary and will be in accordance with section 70 of the Act.
21.2 Amendments shall require the support of not less than three-quarters of the financial members voting on the amendment.
21.3 Amendments may be adopted at the Annual General Meeting of the Association provided the proposed amendment has been submitted to the members twenty one days in advance of the date for the general meeting.
21.4 Amendments may be adopted by a postal or e-mail ballot of the members on the basis of those votes which are received within twenty days after the ballots have been mailed or e-mailed to the members by the Secretary, in accordance with 21.2 (above).

22 Common Seal

22.1 The common seal of the Association shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary.
22.2 The common seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Executive Committee and the affixing of the common seal shall be attested by the signatures of two members of the Executive Committee or of a member of the Executive Committee and of the Secretary.