1981 |
‘Differing Perspectives on Human Communication’, Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education. 8-10 July. Proceedings published as Communication in Australia: Selected Papers from the Second National Conference of the Australian Communication Association, ed. Ted J. Smith III. Warrnambool: Warrnambool Institute Press/Sydney: Australian Communication Association, c1983. |
1982 |
No conference that year. |
1983 |
Conference held at NSW Institute of Technology, 6-8 July. Tradition of annual conferences begins. |
1984 |
‘1984 and Beyond: Communication and Society 1984 and After’ Western Australian Institute of Technology, 2-6 July. |
1985 |
Conference held at University House, Australian National University, 8-12 July. |
1986 |
‘Communication: Emerging Issues’, Australian National University, 18-21 July. |
1987 |
‘Communication: Developments and Applications’, Macquarie University, 9-12 July. |
1988 |
‘Convergence’, University of New England, 14-16 July. |
1989 |
‘Communication as a Field of Study’, Queensland University of Technology. 13-15 July. |
1990 |
‘Communication: Whose Reality?’, Conference held at Ormond College, University of Melbourne, 11-14 July. |
1991 |
‘Communication: Our Search for Meaning in Changing Times’, University of Technology, Sydney, 10-12 July. Proceedings published as Communication Australia: A Search for Meaning in Changing Times, ed. Bill Ticehurst. Sydney: Griffin Publications; Hackett, A.C.T.: Australian Communication Association, 1992. |
1992 |
‘Enhancing Communication Quality’, Conference held at Bond University, 8-10 July. |
1993 |
‘Communication and Identity: Local, Regional, Global’, Victoria University of Technology, 7-9 July. Proceedings published as Communication and Identity: Local, Regional, Global: Selected papers from the 1993 National Conference of the Australian Communication Association, ed. Helen Borland. Canberra: The Australian Communication Association, 1994. |
1994 |
‘Communication and Diversity’. Joint conference with International Communication Association held at the University of Technology, Sydney, 11-15 July. |
1995 |
‘Framing Communication: Exclusions, Edges and Cores’, Edith Cowan University, 5-7 July. |
1996 |
‘Conversation and Community’, Queensland University of Technology, 10-12 July. |
1997 |
‘Communication in Practice’, La Trobe University, 7-9 July. |
1998 |
‘Shifting Disciplines: Communication, Discourses and Identities’, University of Waikato, Hamilton, 6-8 July. Conference proceedings web page: http://www.mngt.waikato.ac.nz/depts/mcom/ANZCAprocd.htm [link no longer active] |
1999 |
‘Stirred Not Shaken? Communication Challenges and Change’, University of Western Sydney, 5-7 July. Internet Archive Link here |
2000 |
‘Ethics, Events, Entertainment’, Southern Cross University. Held at Ballina RSL Club, 3-5 July. Conference web page: http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/hmcs/events/anzca/anzca.html [Link no longer active] Internet Archive Link here |
2001 |
‘Transdisciplinarity’, Edith Cowan University, 1-3 July. Publication Transdisciplinarity. Program, Abstracts and Refereed Papers. Annual Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association, 1-3 July 2001. Mt. Lawley: School of Multimedia and Communications, Edith Cowan University, 2001. Conference web page: http://www.fste.ac.cowan.edu.au/events/anzca/papers.html [Link no longer active] Internet Archive Link here |
2002 |
‘Communication: Reconstructed for the 21st Century’, Bond University, Held at Greenmount Beach Resort, Coolangatta, July 10-12. Proceedings published as Refereed Articles from the Proceedings of the ANZCA 2002 Conference: Communication: Reconstructed for the 21st Century. http://www.bond.edu.au/hss/communication/ANZCA/journtp.htm |
2003 |
‘Designing Communication for Diversity’, Queensland University of Technology, 9-11 July. Conference web page: http://www.bgsb.qut.edu.au/conferences/ANZCA03/index.html |
2004 |
‘Making a Difference’, University of Sydney, 7-9 July. Conference web page: http://conferences.arts.usyd.edu.au/index.php?cf=3 |
2005 |
‘Communication at Work’, Christchurch, New Zealand, 4-7 July. Hosted by the Management Department, Canterbury University. Conference web page: http://www.mang.canterbury.ac.nz/ANZCA/anzcaindex.shtml |
2006 |
‘Empowerment, Creativity and Innovation in Media and Communication; Challenging Media and Communication in the 21st Century’, University of Adelaide, 5-7 July. http://www.adelaide.edu.au/anzca2006/ |
2007 |
‘Communications, Civics, Industry’. Hosted by La Trobe University and the Centre for Communications and Media Law. To be held at Melbourne Law School, Carleton, University of Melbourne, 4-7 July. http://www.latrobe.edu.au/ANZCA2007/ |
2008 |
‘Power and Place’, Hosted by Department of Communication and Journalism, Massey University, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand. To be held at Duxton Hotel, 9-11 July. http://anzca08.massey.ac.nz |
2009 |
‘Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship’, Queensland University of Technology, 8-10 July. Conference web page: http://www.anzca09.org/ |
2010 |
‘Media, Democracy and Change’, Hosted by the University of Canberra in collaboration with the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House. Old Parliament House, Canberra, 7-9 July. http://www.canberra.edu.au/anzca2010 |
2011 |
‘Communication on the Edge: Shifting Boundaries and Identities’, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, 6-8 July 2011. Conference web page: http://wms-soros.mngt.waikato.ac.nz/anzca/default/ |
2012 |
‘Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century’. Hosted by the University of Adelaide and UNISA. To be held at the North Terrace campuses of the Universities of Adelaide and the University of South Australia, 4-6 July 2012. http://sapmea.asn.au/conventions/anzcacom2012/ |
2013 |
‘Global Networks, Global Divides: Bridging New and Traditional Communication Challenges’, Murdoch University, 3-5 July, 2013. http://www.anzca2013.org.au/ |
2014 |
‘The Digital and the Social: Communication for Inclusion and Exchange’, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 8-11 July, 2014. http://www.anzca.net/conferences/past-conferences/2014-conf.html |
2015 |
‘Rethinking Communication, Space and Identity’, University of Canterbury in Queenstown, Aotearoa New Zealand, 8-10 July. 2015. http://www.arts.canterbury.ac.nz/conferences/anzca// |
2016 |
‘Creating Space in the Fifth Estate’, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 6-8 July, 2016. http://anzca2016.com |
2017 |
‘Communication Worlds: Access, Voice, Diversity, Engagement’, University of Sydney, 5-7 July, 2017. http://anzca2017.com/ |
2018 |
‘Multiple Realities: Fluidity, Hybridity, and Stability in Global Communication’, University of Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand, 3-6 July, 2018. http://anzca2018.org/ |
2019 |
‘Making Sense: Data, Publics and Storytelling’, University of Canberra, 3-5 July, 2019. https://anzca2019.org/ |
2020 |
No conference that year. |
2021 |
‘Communication, Authority and Power’, University of Melbourne, 6-9 July, 2021.https://aanzca.org/conference/2021/ |
2022 |
‘Communicating through Chaos: Connection, Disruption, Community’, University of Wollongong, 22-25 November, 2022. https://anzca2022.com/ |
2023 |
‘Ka mua, ka muri: Bridging communication pasts and futures’, Victoria University of Wellington, 21-24 November, 2023. https://www.anzca2023.com/ |
2024 |
‘Pause’, RMIT University, 25-27 November, 2024. https://aanzca.org/conference-event/aanzca-2024-conference/ |